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Why Choose the Collaborative Divorce Experience?

Outdoors Meeting

What is collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative Divorce puts you and your divorcing spouse in charge of all the decisions that will shape your life and the lives of any children you may have, for decades to come.  Staying entirely away from the courts, your interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce professional team emphasizes respect, transparency, and open, constructive communications.  With the help of  two specially trained  collaborative lawyers, plus mental health coaches,  a neutral financial consultant,  and  a child specialist, you have ready access  as needed to the kind of professional help every family can benefit from as one household becomes two. The collaborative team will help you address divorce issues from a legal, financial, and emotional perspective so that you can reach deep and durable solutions that work for everyone in the family over the long haul.


What judges say about Collaborative Divorce

"I favor any system that best serves families and children, and from everything I've seen so far, the collaborative law approach is the best and the least litigious."  Hon, Donna J. Hitchens, retired Presiding Judge, Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco


"Keep control of your case: don’t give it to me, a stranger in a black robe. I do not love your children. I’d come to love them if I had the time but I could never love them like their parents. Let your parental love control the resolution of your case rather than some random court order."   Hon. W. Ross Foote, retired family law judge, Alexandria Parish, Louisiana


Kid's Playing Outdoor

What about my Children?

Collaborative Divorce is the ONLY divorce approach that builds right into the process a voice both from and to your children about their experience of the divorce, in the safest and most constructive manner available anywhere.  A Collaborative Child Specialist with expertise in family systems and child development will help you and your spouse design a joint parenting plan that prioritizes children's needs and interests and that encourages age-appropriate changes as your children grow up.

Sitting on Rock

Is collaborative Divorce Right for me and My Family?

All but a small percentage of divorcing couples can reach a complete settlement agreement that satisfies both parties with the sophisticated support, guidance, and constructive advocacy provided by a Collaborative Divorce team..  Your first meeting with me will focus on helping you understand exactly how this and other divorce processes work,  and will help you match your own specific needs and concerns with the best process choice, whether that turns out to be Collaborative Divorce or some other method of reaching resolution.

Distanced Couple

Will my Spouse be Open to Collaborative Divorce?

Your reasons for choosing Collaborative Divorce may be quite different from your spouse's reasons, and that's fine.  Nearly everyone going through a divorce recognizes, in their more thoughtful and rational moments, the many important benefits the Collaborative approach can offer them--provided they receive  accurate information about the risks and advantages of the various divorce process choices  that are available to them.  In our first meeting we will give careful attention to how the Collaborative Divorce approach can best be presented to your spouse if that is a concern.

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