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ILI Breaks New Ground


Updated: Jul 1, 2021

ILI Breaks New Ground: International Seminar/Study Group in Integrative and Collaborative Divorce Practice

ILI’s new year-long seminar/study group in integrative conflict resolution kicks off on July 15/16 with a big question:

What is the Real Job of a Lawyer or Mediator When Our Clients’ Conflicts Involve Collapsing Intimate or Familial Relationships?"

Where do you stand? What are your beliefs, examined and unexamined, about the duties and boundaries of your professional role?

  • Where do those beliefs come from?

  • How do they constrain how you do your work?

  • How well do they serve the actual people who are your clients?

  • Have you considered the moral and even spiritual dimensions of relational conflict resolution practice?

  • What might it mean for your life as well as your clients’ lives to embrace fuller and richer aspirations in your own conflict resolution practice?


Tough questions like these will be the springboard for our once-monthly seminar/study group investigation of integrative conflict resolution practice. Expect to have your ideas challenged and your horizons expanded, as a small group of committed conflict resolution colleagues from many nations explores with one another how each would answer these questions.

The foundation for each session will be a packet of short readings containing thought-provoking and ground-breaking ideas about how we humans communicate, experience conflict, and make decisions, from researchers and thinkers like Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Paul Zak, Elizabeth Loftus, Jonathan Haidt, Dacher Keltner,Tom Lewis, Deborah Tannen, Frans De Waal and many more, as well as leading conflict resolution theorists like Bernie Mayer and Ken Cloke.


Conflict holds great positive potential: deeply wired in our DNA, it can be the catalyst for changing what no longer works. Properly understood, it represents a doorway to more authentic conversations and much more durable resolution.

But first, most of us need to unlearn professional thought forms that don't serve our clients well, so as to make room for better ways of helping our clients make that journey.

Our monthly sessions will always focus on how our work can be enriched by discoveries from decision science, behavioral economics, adult attachment theory, new research about memory and the brain, the psychological phenomena of priming and anchoring, conflict resolution as a restorative practice, neuro-morality, and much more.

Come to each session prepared to go deep into your own experience as a conflict resolution professional, and to engage in honest dialogue with colleagues whose ideas may resonate with --or may differ greatly-- from your own.

We will return to these same questions about professional identity and responsibilities in our final monthly meeting, after a year of fascinating explorations in the nature of conflict and how to resolve it, to see how our ideas change as a result of the study group/seminar experience.

Find more information about the seminar/study group series here.

Places are still available, but capacity is limited. Give yourself this remarkable opportunity to deepen and broaden your understanding of the work you love doing.

And don't miss our Fourth of July special offer!

Use promo code ILI-JULY4 to receive $200 off registration through Friday, July 9.

Pauline Tesler, Director of The Integrative Law Institute

To apply for a special and generous diversity and inclusion scholarship, contact without delay. (Eligibility criteria include length of time in practice, working in a nonprofit or public defender agency, practicing in an under-served community, and earning your income in a currency with a significantly disadvantageous U.S. dollar exchange rate).




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The Integrative Law institute

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The Integrative Law Institute is a program of Commonweal, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.

Integrative Law Institute | P.O. Box 608 | Stinson Beach, CA 94970 | Tel: 415-383-5600

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